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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Excitement & Fear

I don't know what i'm feeling but i am curled up on my flowered chair so tired from the day that i feel numb. My throat hurts and i drank way too much coffee today and i cried for ten minutes this evening over my undone list. I ordered my Spring Catalogs today and am planning a Showcase of the new line soon.....but i always have the same fear before every event.....what if i am the only attendee? Excited, but fearful of failure.

i wish i felt like this now.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Presents are HERE!

My sweet Mother stopped by the house for a visit and we chatted over a nice cup of coffee. It was not long before the children were gathering around her for the delivering of Christmas presents from 'Grammy'. Her she is with her Medium Utility Tote, in the Christmas spirit, being Mrs. Clause!

January is coming!

As soon as i can i will be so excited to talk about January's surprises in the new catalog! I can not wait to post about all these new items. Remember to call or write if you have any questions. There is always something new happening and i always have a new favorite product to share with you. Stay tuned for more.....

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A place for sheets

I have decided to go for the rumpled look. It is too hard for me to fold sheets that look crisp and neat. I don't want to spend all day folding sheets just to look like Martha Stuart did it. Here is my happy conclusion.

I can fit five sets of sheets in one Tote!

Easy to do. Organized. Pretty.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Colorado here we come!

We have begun packing for our family vacation! How exciting and frightening at the same time. I went to my office and pulled out every Thirty-One bag i own.
It's hard to see in the picture, but we have three of those BIG black bags in the car. As we slid them in place, my husband even made a comment about how nice they were to have. Now this was the bottom layer of our packing. The Expandable Tote with diamonds has my husbands ski gear in it (gloves, hats, ski pants, socks, thermal wear, etc.).

When we planned this trip we had a few extra stops in mind and we were splitting up who drove and who flew. All this juggling made packing a little tricky but we seemed to manage with the help of Large Utility Totes and homemade labels. So i packed some bags separate then our Colorado clothes and organized them in Totes with the proper names. This way we did not have to carry our big suitcases into the in-law's for a night, then put them back, then get them out again for a hotel the next night, etc. It would be four days before we landed at our main destination. So i packed little bags for everyone with three outfits and a bathroom bag. In the Large Utility Totes they went labeled with who's stuff was in each tote.

When we arrived, these two totes were all i really needed as far as clothes, shoes, stuffed animals for the kids, and bathroom bags. It has been great. So far we are still organized and the "family machine" is still functioning.

I also like to have an 'OTHER' tote. It is miscellaneous items that have no category but are essential to our travels. It is usually in a place i can easily find on top of our pile of belongings in the back.

Here we are at the hotel. All our bags and extra things that get carried in that has no place to go or ready to go back in the car.

Of course my husband is the one that normally carries them while i enjoy coffee.

Friday, November 9, 2012

What this BLOG means to me

This is me, Rebekah Bertram.....

And this Blog is sort of a passion of mine. When i opened my first box of totes i bought, and started to explore the possibilities, i was amazed. First, they were beautiful. So much better, brighter and more unique in person then on the page. Secondly, i began discovering multiple uses for everything. The $50 i spent could meet so many different needs at different times. And, they made my home more beautiful at every turn.

I love BEAUTY! Beauty in colors, flowers, shapes, material and more. Every where i look i love when something pretty catches my eye. God has given me a love for my HOME and family. My main job right now is to nourish them in mind and body. That can be done in a lot of different ways and each person finds their special avenue of showing it. I strive to keep things organized and beautiful wherever we go. We are all more peaceful when our surroundings are beautiful and calm.

I found that Thirty-One meets three main needs:

1. Facilitates an easy way to keep our home tidy and running smoothly
2. Gives every part of our home a splash of beauty while functioning in a purposeful fashion and...
3. Is affordable

As a busy Mother of four young kids, God has motivated me to share with ladies how they can make their homes operate smoothly yet be beautiful at the same time without spending hours and hours keeping it so. The busiest time of day for us is from 3:30p.m. - bedtime. Can you guess why? Every body is at home, kids are running in and out after a long day at school, homework needs to be done, dirty little bodies need to be washed, extra cooking is to be done, dinner eaten, end of day phone calls made, school uniforms washed, and that extra activity that always pops up at the wrong time that Dad and the kids run out the door to do, and the list goes on. During this time of day our home needs to stay in tact. It is not worth the trouble if our home is beautiful, yet can not be lived in. Being a naturally artistic gal, my stress levels skyrocketed when things fell apart into an ugly mess. I tried to suppress the urge to spend late nights putting the house back together, but if i didn't, the next day i felt behind and depressed. Beauty was gone, my equilibrium was off (which means my intellectual and emotional balance was off). Does anybody else feel what i am talking about?
Thirty-One came to the rescue. It was beautiful organization! Thirty-One coincides my two needs - beauty and functionality . Therefore, creating a place that is useable and calming.

So there it is ladies. I hope you enjoy this Blog and can learn from what is shared.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Here is my AWANA bag. I thought i would show all of you how well it works. For those of you who are new to this, this wonderful tote is called the ORGANIZING UTILITY TOTE.

It holds our vests on the sides, Bibles and books on the inside (mini Bibles are on the side mesh pockets) water bottle, and two zipper pouches. I am the TNT game leader so my game book, pens, whistle, and note pad are in a zipper pouch to separate it from everyone else.

This month there is a great customer special. You could buy an Organizing Utility Tote and get the special for $5.00. Check it out on my Consultant Site. I think you'll love it!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thermal Zipper Pouch

I successfully pack the kids lunches each day and am loving my thermals i bought at the beginning of the year. They are working great! But now i am coming up against another problem. SNACK TIME! I have decided i am going to just buckle down and buy the Mini Thermal Zipper pouches for the four kids. I need to keep their snacks cold. Healthy snacks like fruit, veggies, cheese and milk need to stay cold. The paper sack is going to have to go.

My Mother - In -Law let me borrow this one for a night to take pictures of. It can fit two or three things and is small and compact.

This morning, taking their paper sacks out of the refrigerator , i new that by 9:00 a.m. their food and drinks would be warm.

So here it goes. Another Thirty-One item for another problem. It amazes me how they are constantly bringing items to ladies that help meet the need. Give it a try girls. If you never have, go for it! You will not regret it. Look for the need then fill it with a Thirty-One Tote.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The new Medium tote!

I hope you can all see how the tote on top is smaller then the one on bottom.

These wonderful totes seem to be the perfect size for those who like the idea of having the Large Utility Tote ( bottom one) but feel that is a little too big. The smaller style is called the Medium utility Tote. I can not wait to buy one. Keep an eye out for their special appearance.

I think Thirty-One had a fantastic idea by making these. The list of uses could go on and on but here are a few idea for those who have never had a bag like this:

- Christmas presents
- Car bag
- Games
- Party supplies
- Picnic carry bag
- Over night bag ( put your small carry-ons and misc. items in this to carry out of the car when you arrive at your destination)
- Stuffed animal bag
- Misc. toys
- Blankets
And so, so much more!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Purple, Brown, & Corduroy!

So Fall is here and I get the itch to turn my house from Spring/Summer to Fall/Winter. The corduroy is so Fall!

My husband brought the box inside and I jumped out of the kitchen with a hurray!

My Zipper Pouch was bought for $7.50 because I hosted a party and it was 1/2 OFF.....

And the Timeless Wallet was Free by using my Hostess Credit. Last year I received the black in an Add On Kit. Even though I always wear brown I used it anyway but it looked really funny. This is my FAVORITE wallet of all time. It may not look like it but I carry three checkbooks around in this. On the left I put all my receipts. They stay flat and neat.

On the outside I keep my business cards.

My Zipper Pouch has all the little stuff that falls in the bottom of my purse. "Neat & Tidy" is my motto!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Remembering 'FLORAL FANFAIR'

Two years ago Thirty-One came out with this beautiful pattern called 'Floral Fanfair'. It was love at first sight for me. I had just become a consultant so I used my earnings to buy a collection of these items.

There in the photo is my collection. I have a few other things but these are the main ones.

This Hanging Bag was a Hostess item a few years ago. I earned $50.00 extra one month so I spent it on one when I had the chance. I took it to New Orleans with me just last week. Once again Thirty-One products proved their worth. It was so simple and easy. I brought the hostess cosmetic bag and a Weekender Tote. Our trunk even looked beautiful!

Beautiful things make me very happy inside. God made the first flower, the first color, the first soft touch. Call me crazy, but i always think of God when I look at my 'Floral Fanfair' bags.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mailing Catalogs

I have been trying to figure out the best way to mail catalogs. I had the idea to get a paper towel tube and put the catalog in this. I wrapped the tube up in brown paper, slapped the address on and now i just have to see how much it will cost to mail.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wrapping for the New Catalogs

I was so excited when I heard the UPS man drive into our rocky drive way with, what I was hoping my Fall catalogs. I yelled at the kids to hurry and see if it was who I was hoping. James, my five year old, tumbled into the house with my box.

I had already come up with an idea on how to give them to my customers. I rolled them up with pretty tissue paper and tied the ends off with ribbon. How fun! Today, at camp, is the first day I will hand out a catalog.

I filled a Thirty-One magazine basket with all the rolls of catalogs. I love pretty things. Don't you?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Happy Hostess

My sister is a traveler that I admire. If it were me, I would be a hermit if I had eight kids and one on the way, but she gets out and about with everybody.
Here they are!

With this many people, getting a lot of stuff thrown everywhere is a part of the traveling adventure. As a Hostess, my sister bought the XXL Utility Tote Set after one of her parties and now she is using it in her 15 passenger van for stuff that they always need but never a good place to put.

She has it placed in between the two front seats. The first is for snacks, the middle for books, and the last.....well.....I forgot what she said. Well anyway, something important is in there.

As we were talking about this her son (who I think is 12 years old) piped in and described to us in detail how great the Market Thermal Tote is and how much less space it took up their old traditional cooler and how he thought it was soooo much better. This compliment came from an unlikely person don't you think?

Even your children will benefit from the organization you can work into your home and life. Mom and Dad are less uptight and stressed. Everyone feels me.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Extra Cosmetic Bag

I had an extra cosmetic bag and I was thinking about the best way to use it. In the car we often carry a portable DVD player but not always setting it up I did not have a good place for storage. This was my remedy.

All the wires are safely tucked away in the pockets and there is even a nice sturdy strap to go with the bag. The cushioned sides protects the screens. I was very pleased.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The School Totes Arrived!

I am happy to announce that the School Totes arrived. Backpacks and totes have to be labeled with the child's name. Last year I used duck tape. It looked pretty bad. This year each child has a different color name.

Because of the special last month I got a few extra zipper pouches. I love zipper pouches. I used these odd ones for my daughters things like Lacing Cards, Lolly-Loopsies, and a Tea Set game. These toys are small and she always lost pieces. They fit so nice in her desk drawer, taking up little space, and they are easy for her to put away.

You may think it is a lot to spend to store toys, but let me tell you it is a good investment. When it is time to pack away her childhood toys she can use these same pouches for make - up or hair stuff, or in her purse or car.

School starts the 27th of this month. All four of my children will be running down the side walk to their classes. I love them so much.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

School Bliss

My children attend a Charter School and my youngest an Episcopal Private School. I have on the way their lunch kits with their names and some of the new Spirit Collection with the name of our school embroidered on them. I can not wait for them to arrive. As soon as they do I will post pictures of what they look like. I think they will turn out beautiful. I hope the other Moms will enjoy them too.

That's all for now!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Point Exacly!

My husbands family have been here for a little while so I have not written much. My mother-in-law is my Director so we are talking about and using Thirty-One all the time.
My brothers girlfriend has started to get a lot of Thirty-One bags because my Mom was a Consultant for a while too.
I wish I would have taken pictures of how many times Thirty-One helped us over the week with all the nieces and nephews but my mind was on other things. point exactly. Because of the organization Thirty-One brings I was not having to worry about the organization of 7 extra people hanging around.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Another Under-the-Bed Storage Tote!

My next oversized storage tote finally arrived. I was so happy. My husband has certain clothes he can not part with and I do not like our closet cluttered with stuff we don't wear or use often. I needed a solution. So I bought another tote. I filled it with all the clothes he doesn't want to give away, and then some more. I zipped it up and under the bed it went. Yes!

This is what it looks like with two totes. We have a King size bed and I think it looks very nice. It is fun when Thirty-One has a print that matches well with the colors of a room. This print is called Lotsa Dots.

Overseas ordering & Conscience

I have noticed that most of my audience is overseas. I am thrilled abut this. I wish I could sit in your homes and help you organize for a more peaceful life.

Thirty-One does not ship overseas and that is a problem for some. If my overseas friends would like to order some of these organizing tools and is willing to pay shipping, I can get the order sent to myself and I will mail them to you.

I know this takes some trust on your part to believe that I will mail your purchase to you, but I definitely will.

I hope to bring Thirty-One to those across the oceans!

Me in front of our home on the way to the camp rodeo.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Messy to Tidy

I have been depressed the last week or so. I have not wanted to do much of anything. This evening I cried it out while talking to my sweet brother and now I feel ready to write again.

My husband fell from a Wake-Skate a week ago. He has not been able to move so we went to buy him a massager. I have tried so many times to be his personal Masseuse, but to no avail, so we put in the $50 and came home with a WAHL massager.

This was my husbands solution for storage. When I saw that for two days in our bedroom I said "no way!"

I ordered another zipper pouch last month so I could get a $10 Large Utility Tote. I hadn't a plan for the pouch when I bought it but NOW I DO! It fit the massager and extras perfect.

When we're done I place it in the drawer next to his side of the bed. So we went from messy to tidy in one zip of a zipper! Wow...don't you love it?

Friday, July 6, 2012

An Empty Tote

I went to my parents Lake house to clean and I found this tote on a shelf, empty. I have spoken to a few ladies who buy Thirty-One totes but do not put anything on the inside. They say, " I don't know what to put in them," or " there're just too pretty to use."

I scooped the tote up and placed it here in the bathroom. I put toilet paper and paper towels inside. Band-aids or in the side pockets.
Do to be afraid to use want is beautiful. It is not meant to sit being useless, but to enjoy!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mini Organizer

I love the Mini Organizer. I have a lot of mail stuffed into this one. It keeps my desk less stacked up with mail and I can grab pens and highlighters and scissors so much faster. Once again the options are endless on how to use this tote.

This is the side view. I like to have the mail standing up like this because if I need to find something quick I can flip thru things fast and actually find what I am looking for.
Having a place for everything is very important when your trying to stay organized. This mail system only works because when I go thru it, each item has a folder or special place. If you get to something that has no home make a new file for it. Don't just stuff it somewhere. Throw as much away as you can too.

Here is another way I like to use the Mini Organizer - as a bathroom counter top tote or for under the cabinet. These are the items I use just about every morning and evening. In four of the surrounding pockets I have hair items. In the last outside pocket I have my deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrush.

Inside, there is leg cream, face cream, face wash, shaving cream, and hair smoother. My brush is normally inside too.

There are so many ways to use this tote. I would love to hear your ideas!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Country Folk & Shopping

I have to admit that I wish I had more Thirty-One parties but there is only so much you can do in a small town. I have found that people live very for away from each other and that most are very busy. In our County folks do not shop much. If they do I think it is hard to get out of the Wal-Mart syndrome.
You can get everything at Wal-Mart, right?

For me, instead of buying that new outfit or expensive snacks for the kids, I save my money for Thirty-One. The reason being is that it helps our home run more smoothly and effectively. Having a great outfit doesn't help me get the clothes put away faster or help me clean faster so I can spend more time with my family. That is my ultimate goal, to spend more time with my family in a mood that's pleasant. Don't you like to have an organized, nice looking home? Doesn't it make you feel good?

I like to support that local bloke instead of Mr. Sam, but to be honest it is just too expensive. Direct sales is a wonderful way to support a local citizen in your community or in a community far away. Direct Sales have not always been my way of shopping, but loving Thirty-One kinda opened me up a little to something different.

If you live in a rural community, get out of your "nitch," organize your home and make it beautiful. You will not regret it.

Let me know if you agree,

Friday, June 29, 2012

Oversized Storage Organizer

I feel like I have posted so much. To be honest, this is just how often I use my Thirty-One stuff. I was cleaning my husband and I's bedroom, and as I knelt down to sweep under the bed, I pulled out my bag and thought "well, another post for the Blog."
This is how it looks under our bed.

This is what I have in it.

I take it out and vacuum the dust off.

I just purchased another Oversized Storage Organizer. I am so excited about getting it under our bed with misc. things that my husband can not part with that I do not want taking up space in our closet.
I am finished cleaning our room. Hurray!
