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Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Happy Hostess

My sister is a traveler that I admire. If it were me, I would be a hermit if I had eight kids and one on the way, but she gets out and about with everybody.
Here they are!

With this many people, getting a lot of stuff thrown everywhere is a part of the traveling adventure. As a Hostess, my sister bought the XXL Utility Tote Set after one of her parties and now she is using it in her 15 passenger van for stuff that they always need but never a good place to put.

She has it placed in between the two front seats. The first is for snacks, the middle for books, and the last.....well.....I forgot what she said. Well anyway, something important is in there.

As we were talking about this her son (who I think is 12 years old) piped in and described to us in detail how great the Market Thermal Tote is and how much less space it took up their old traditional cooler and how he thought it was soooo much better. This compliment came from an unlikely person don't you think?

Even your children will benefit from the organization you can work into your home and life. Mom and Dad are less uptight and stressed. Everyone feels me.

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