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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Colorado here we come!

We have begun packing for our family vacation! How exciting and frightening at the same time. I went to my office and pulled out every Thirty-One bag i own.
It's hard to see in the picture, but we have three of those BIG black bags in the car. As we slid them in place, my husband even made a comment about how nice they were to have. Now this was the bottom layer of our packing. The Expandable Tote with diamonds has my husbands ski gear in it (gloves, hats, ski pants, socks, thermal wear, etc.).

When we planned this trip we had a few extra stops in mind and we were splitting up who drove and who flew. All this juggling made packing a little tricky but we seemed to manage with the help of Large Utility Totes and homemade labels. So i packed some bags separate then our Colorado clothes and organized them in Totes with the proper names. This way we did not have to carry our big suitcases into the in-law's for a night, then put them back, then get them out again for a hotel the next night, etc. It would be four days before we landed at our main destination. So i packed little bags for everyone with three outfits and a bathroom bag. In the Large Utility Totes they went labeled with who's stuff was in each tote.

When we arrived, these two totes were all i really needed as far as clothes, shoes, stuffed animals for the kids, and bathroom bags. It has been great. So far we are still organized and the "family machine" is still functioning.

I also like to have an 'OTHER' tote. It is miscellaneous items that have no category but are essential to our travels. It is usually in a place i can easily find on top of our pile of belongings in the back.

Here we are at the hotel. All our bags and extra things that get carried in that has no place to go or ready to go back in the car.

Of course my husband is the one that normally carries them while i enjoy coffee.

Friday, November 9, 2012

What this BLOG means to me

This is me, Rebekah Bertram.....

And this Blog is sort of a passion of mine. When i opened my first box of totes i bought, and started to explore the possibilities, i was amazed. First, they were beautiful. So much better, brighter and more unique in person then on the page. Secondly, i began discovering multiple uses for everything. The $50 i spent could meet so many different needs at different times. And, they made my home more beautiful at every turn.

I love BEAUTY! Beauty in colors, flowers, shapes, material and more. Every where i look i love when something pretty catches my eye. God has given me a love for my HOME and family. My main job right now is to nourish them in mind and body. That can be done in a lot of different ways and each person finds their special avenue of showing it. I strive to keep things organized and beautiful wherever we go. We are all more peaceful when our surroundings are beautiful and calm.

I found that Thirty-One meets three main needs:

1. Facilitates an easy way to keep our home tidy and running smoothly
2. Gives every part of our home a splash of beauty while functioning in a purposeful fashion and...
3. Is affordable

As a busy Mother of four young kids, God has motivated me to share with ladies how they can make their homes operate smoothly yet be beautiful at the same time without spending hours and hours keeping it so. The busiest time of day for us is from 3:30p.m. - bedtime. Can you guess why? Every body is at home, kids are running in and out after a long day at school, homework needs to be done, dirty little bodies need to be washed, extra cooking is to be done, dinner eaten, end of day phone calls made, school uniforms washed, and that extra activity that always pops up at the wrong time that Dad and the kids run out the door to do, and the list goes on. During this time of day our home needs to stay in tact. It is not worth the trouble if our home is beautiful, yet can not be lived in. Being a naturally artistic gal, my stress levels skyrocketed when things fell apart into an ugly mess. I tried to suppress the urge to spend late nights putting the house back together, but if i didn't, the next day i felt behind and depressed. Beauty was gone, my equilibrium was off (which means my intellectual and emotional balance was off). Does anybody else feel what i am talking about?
Thirty-One came to the rescue. It was beautiful organization! Thirty-One coincides my two needs - beauty and functionality . Therefore, creating a place that is useable and calming.

So there it is ladies. I hope you enjoy this Blog and can learn from what is shared.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Here is my AWANA bag. I thought i would show all of you how well it works. For those of you who are new to this, this wonderful tote is called the ORGANIZING UTILITY TOTE.

It holds our vests on the sides, Bibles and books on the inside (mini Bibles are on the side mesh pockets) water bottle, and two zipper pouches. I am the TNT game leader so my game book, pens, whistle, and note pad are in a zipper pouch to separate it from everyone else.

This month there is a great customer special. You could buy an Organizing Utility Tote and get the special for $5.00. Check it out on my Consultant Site. I think you'll love it!